On my way home yesterday I passed a new billboard touting Presidente beer as being cool and refreshing or something to that effect. Since the mercury was still well above 90 degrees at 6 pm, I figured why the hell not. I pulled into my local Publix supermarket and grabbed a sixer of Presidente along with all the makings for some great blue cheeseburgers. (More on the awesome burger recipe later)
When I got home I grabbed my trusty A&W Dog ‘N Suds mug out of the freezer, filled it with 12 ounces of the Dominican brew, and started making my burgers. By the time the burgers were ready to be taken off the grill, I was 3 deep into my supply and was feeling pretty good. The taste is pretty smooth and unlike its Mexican counterpart, Corona, it wasn’t bitter at all. Definitely a hot weather beer.
Five Presidentes is apparently where drinking them becomes counterproductive. I was still feeling pretty damn good as I finished number 4, but about halfway through number 5, it felt like a vice was starting to slowly clamp down on my head. Drinking the last of the six amigos was just a bad idea altogether.
Now I’ve been a drinker for quite some time and I must say I can’t really recall a hangover setting in as quick as it did with this wolf in sheep’s clothing. I was in bed by 11 pm, but when I woke up at 1:30 in the morning it felt like I had been on a 3-day bender on Bourbon St. I drank as much Gatorade as I could fit in my gut, went back to bed and hoped for the best.
I woke up this morning without the headache that had followed me to bed, but the effects of 6 Presidentes were still lingering. It took until about 2 pm for me to feel completely with it. So long story short, even if Presidente was free, it’s not worth the bag of shit you feel like for the next 18 hours after you drink it.
James is the BALLS.
I hate you James.